Evaluation of the productive and reproductive diagnosis of bovine females of the Landforest Company “Colonel Arturo Lince Gonzalezâ€.
Dental age, milk production, reproductionAbstract
This work was carried out in the “Colonel Arturo Lince Gonzalez†Company, in cattle ranches Santo Domingo, Olimpo, Calabaza, Gran Tierra and Bombi, with the objective of reproductive rearrangement of the females. A diagnosis was made, assessing body condition, age, weight, body condition, age at first calving and milk production. 515 animals were investigated: 271 cows and 244 heifers. It was observed that the age of the first birth is 5,84 years. The average age is 5,72 years and the average weight is 290kg. The average milk production 2,88 liters. In the units were destined to waste by irreversible reproductive pathologies and by old age 59 animals representing 12,81%. It is concluded that the Company must define a program of development of the bovine mass.Downloads
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How to Cite
Machuca-Rodríguez, D. C. J. A., Gustavo-Moises, M. L., Castellanos-Mccook, M. E., & Hernández-Pérez, M. M. (2017). Evaluation of the productive and reproductive diagnosis of bovine females of the Landforest Company “Colonel Arturo Lince Gonzalezâ€. Man, Science and Technology, 21(1), 18–27. Retrieved from http://hct.cigetgtmo.co.cu/revistahct/index.php/htc/article/view/766
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