Social imaginary and the environmental culture: a notion of the us like unit.


  • Dr. C. José Matos-Gamboa Centro Universitario Imías, Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • MSc. Oryanis Estévez-Guilarte Centro Universitario Imías, Guantánamo, Cuba.


Environmental problems, practical cultural, environmental education


The titled work "Social imaginary and the environmental culture: a notion of the us as unit" approaches the necessity to try succinctly environmental problems in Imias; in their South coast the life of the species is in danger, included the man like unit. Whose objective expresses: to propose actions to improve the imaginary one partner-environmental in the imiense population, with emphasis in the training, the rational use of their resources, to get economic goals, echo-social to annihilate inadequacies in the practice of the environmental administration from the multisectorial perspective. The procedures used to pick up information were the observation, visits to towns, community forums, interviews, etc. The novel results are enunciated in actions to try environmental problems in Imias. It concludes expressing the urgency of braking the environmental deterioration of this town applying proposal actions as practical cultural that well they favor or to tranquilize statement smashes in the specific context of the municipality Imias.


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How to Cite

Matos-Gamboa, D. C. J., & Estévez-Guilarte, M. O. (2016). Social imaginary and the environmental culture: a notion of the us like unit. Man, Science and Technology, 20(4), 36–42. Retrieved from