Effects of pre-drying in the quality of ensilage of the fodder hybrid corn variety 15w10
Ensilage, fodder hybrid corn, pre-drying, cornAbstract
It was evaluated the influence of pre-drying in the quality of ensilage of the fodder hybrid corn variety 15w10. The treatments were: T1 ensilaged corn not pre-drying; T2, corn with 12 hours of pre-drying; T3, corn with 24 hours of pre-drying; T4, ensilaged corn in productive conditions. There were used as fermentative indicators of the final product, the pH and the dry mater (DM). The criterions of quality were obtained by a test considering as indicators: the scent, color, texture and humidity. The increase of the pre-drying time was improving the quality of the ensilaged, the ones done in laboratory conditions shown categories since good to excellent, while in the ensilaged elaborated in productive conditions the texture was considered as regular and the humidity bad. The treatment of the corn forage that was exposed to the sun for 24 hours resulted excellent in its variables with exception of the texture.Downloads
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Morgan-Scott, D. C. F., L.-de Sousa, D. C. L., La O- Michel, D. C. A. L., Da Conceição-Tito, E. D., & Miguel-Gregório, B. C. D. C. (2016). Effects of pre-drying in the quality of ensilage of the fodder hybrid corn variety 15w10. Man, Science and Technology, 20(4), 21–27. Retrieved from http://hct.cigetgtmo.co.cu/revistahct/index.php/htc/article/view/751
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