Evaluation of occurrence hazard of gravitational movements in the Guantanamo provinces, Cuba.


  • MSc. Yusmira Savón-Vaciano Centro Meteorológico Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • MSc. Alfonso Mesa-Romero Órgano de Montaña Nipe – Sagua – Baracoa. Limonar de Monteruz, El Salvador. Guantánamo. Cuba.
  • Lic. Leysi Castillo-Croissiert Órgano de Montaña Nipe – Sagua – Baracoa. Limonar de Monteruz, El Salvador. Guantánamo. Cuba.
  • Lic. Marlo Ané-Odilio Órgano de Montaña Nipe – Sagua – Baracoa. Limonar de Monteruz, El Salvador. Guantánamo. Cuba.
  • Dr. C. José Manuel-Cordovéz Órgano de Montaña Nipe – Sagua – Baracoa. Limonar de Monteruz, El Salvador. Guantánamo. Cuba.


gravitational movements, evaluation of hazard.


In this work it realized an evaluation of hazard that generated the gravitational movements in the Guantánamo provinces, the methodology elaborated by expert group utilized the method of sum pondered of factors. We used the map of maximum rains of 60 years to get a digital model from rains used the map itself, they considered the geological factors, geomorphologic, edaphologic, of use of ground and highway system. As final conclusion became verified than the province of Guantánamo show elevated values of susceptibility to the incidence of gravitational events that potentially they can generate important impacts on people and the infrastructure. The hazard of occurrence is related to the complex geography and for complexity litológica and structural of his geology like contributing factors and to the precipitations like principal detonating factor. The San Antonio del Sur municipalities, Baracoa, Yateras and Maisí present the higher values of hazard.


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How to Cite

Savón-Vaciano, M. Y., Mesa-Romero, M. A., Castillo-Croissiert, L. L., Ané-Odilio, L. M., & Manuel-Cordovéz, D. C. J. (2016). Evaluation of occurrence hazard of gravitational movements in the Guantanamo provinces, Cuba. Man, Science and Technology, 20(3), 112–121. Retrieved from http://hct.cigetgtmo.co.cu/revistahct/index.php/htc/article/view/747


