Strategy to incorporate the environmental dimension in the steps of knowledge for the local sustainable development.


  • Ing. María Celeste Freire-Ramos Ministerio de Educación Superior. Centro Universitario Integral Manuel Tames, Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • Lic. María Caridad Leyva-Soler Ministerio de Educación Superior. Centro Universitario Integral Manuel Tames, Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • Lic. Anieska Osoria-de la Cuesta Ministerio de Educación Superior. Centro Universitario Integral Manuel Tames, Guantánamo, Cuba.


environmental strategy, environmental management, local development, environment


Manuel Tames University Center like fundamental part of our social system, it must answer to the challenge to instruct capable men and women to relate with the ambient midway adequately, from the position that concerns it like integrating party of the same and in the context of the local sustainable development. Present strategy is guided toward the quest of methodologies for the incorporation of the environmental dimension in the own dynamics of the process of management of the knowledge in the decision makers of the Manuel Tames municipality. His purpose is to guarantee decision makers' formation, actors and population of the municipality to achieve a consciousness on the importance of renewable natural resources of the people's integral formation, and the need to think consequently on the importance of environment for a best quality of life.


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How to Cite

Freire-Ramos, I. M. C., Leyva-Soler, L. M. C., & Osoria-de la Cuesta, L. A. (2016). Strategy to incorporate the environmental dimension in the steps of knowledge for the local sustainable development. Man, Science and Technology, 20(2), 34–41. Retrieved from




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