Study in sugar cane of two methods of plantation densities.
plantation methods, sugar cane, cane plantationAbstract
In the cane production, the plantation is one of the most expensive processes; the seed is the shaft of the gramineous one that it is the raw material of the industry. To study the effect of the quantity of seed for area two hectares of cane they were planted, one to double pieces and the other one to three pieces tip with tip. It was employed the variety C1051-73. The evaluations were carried out in five stationary parcels in form of English flag. As statistical analysis it was carried out the Student T test. There were not significant differences in the number of shafts for hectare in the two sowing methods starting from the third month, being equalled these to the 6 months of having planted. The used seed of more in the plantation of three pieces represents an additional expense in national money in the county of 1 081 919,1 pesos and $791 714.4 dollars.Downloads
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How to Cite
Gámez-Rodríguez, I. H., Barquíe-Pérez, O., Cobas-Elias, A., Peña-Prades, M. S. M., & Peña-Rivera, L. (2016). Study in sugar cane of two methods of plantation densities. Man, Science and Technology, 20(2), 18–24. Retrieved from
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