Study of the sanitarium quality and sensorial characteristics of buffalo milk to produce farmhouse cheese.
Buffalo, sanitarian quality, sensorial properties, pasteurized cheese, cheeseAbstract
With the objective of evaluate the sanitarian quality and sensorial characteristics of milk to process the farmhouse cheese pasteurized and without pasteurization, there were send 30 samples of cheese to make test of sensorial characteristics according quality norms, there were used 30 people to make the taste test. To determine the fat, humidity and total solids the samples were dehydrated with balance of humidity, while for the chloride were used the qualifications technique with silver nitrate and potassium chromate as indicator, the pH was determined through the use of a pH meter, the acidity through the qualification with formaldehyde or Walker test. It was applied a inquiry to show acceptance of pasteurized and no pasteurized cheese, 90% of producers refers that there is no difference on the sensorial characteristics according to taste, texture and smell in both cheese.
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