Combination of biological products in nursery of Lysiloma latisiliquum (L.) Benth.
micorrizas, FitoMas-E and nursery, Lysiloma latisiliquum (L.) Benth, mushroom, biological products.Abstract
With the objective of evaluating the influence of the Micorrizic Arbuscular Mushroom (HMA) and FitoMas-E in the quality of Lysiloma latisiliquum, in nursery, an experiment was developed in the Investigative Educational Polygon of the Agroforestal Faculty, municipality El Salvador, county Guantanamo, in the period of January to June of 2014. The distribution of the treatments was carried out on a totally random design, with four treatments: T1-witness, T2 FitoMas-E, T3 Micorriza and T4 Micorriza + FitoMas-E. The evaluated variables were height, diameter, number of leaves, wide of glass, long of the main root, quantity of primary, secondary and total roots, slenderness and indexes of vigor. It was carried out an analysis of simple variance using the statistical package STAGRAPHICS Plus version 5.1. With the combination Micorriza + FitoMas-E, it was obtained better values, also bigger economic savings with 2 862,00 pesos with regard to the witness.Â
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