Use of alternative materials such as bed rearing broilers.


  • Rosinda del Valle-Bravo Instituto Universitario de Tecnología Doctor Delfín Mendoza. Tucupita, Estado Delta Amacuro. Venezuela.
  • Dr C. Abel Ortiz-Milán Centro de Estudios de Especies Menores. Universidad de Guantánamo, Cuba.


alternative materials, broilers, raising broilers.


White Plymouth Rock chickens 1400 x Cornish were used in production conditions, according randomized with four treatments and seven replicates design, comparing the beds of rice husk (control), sawdust, hay and pasture gamelote star grass. The final live weight, weight gain, conversion, production and yield of edible portions significantly higher (P <0.05) on a bed of sawdust, followed by rice husk control and finally gamelote hay and pasture star grass hay, regardless that in these last two beds productive indicators were significantly lower than the controlling bed, exceeded 2kg required by international standards for the slaughter of broilers. Noting that the sawdust, hay gamelote grass and hay star grass suitable as bedding material for breeding broilers.


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How to Cite

del Valle-Bravo, R., & Ortiz-Milán, D. C. A. (2015). Use of alternative materials such as bed rearing broilers. Man, Science and Technology, 19(1), 109–115. Retrieved from




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