Evaluation of new technologies through agricultural extension system in Granma province, Cuba.
fertilization technologies, Located at Plantón fertilization, seeding perfect, agricultural extension.Abstract
Adoption of technologies to Plantón Located Fertilization, application of Bayer CropScience-AZCuba perfect planting program, evaluating a set of actions performed in the period extension in the province (Field Days, meetings with producers, short courses, assets were evaluated technical, Seminars, Classes Practices Demonstration Plots assembly also technical Assistance to producers). It is statistically Analyzed qualitative information obtained by the training activities conducted using the McNemar test allowing to analyze whether or not the subjects had the desired effect. Statistically studied the Field Days made, as this is a major extension methods in the system, applying the sign test, extremely useful for evaluating the adoption of technologies by producers, there was a favorable change "new technologies" for inferring province that were adopted by the producers all three technologies evaluated.
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