Evaluation of the Human Capital with an environmental perspective.
coeffocient alpha de crombach, human capital, hereditary ataxia, environmental training.Abstract
In the paper a general procedure, exploratory, to Evaluation of the Human Capital with an environmental perspective in an organization is defined. This procedure was implemented at the Center for Research and Rehabilitation of Hereditary Ataxia (CIRAH) with a dual purpose: as an approach to the validation of the method in practice, and as a tool to Evaluation of the Human Capital CIRAH with an environmental perspective. In the specific diagnosis CIRAH, stratified random sampling was used, based on occupational categories. Dimensions were considered: environmental competencies, training and development, selection and integration, security and health. Data were processed with SPSS (version 20.0). It was tested the statistical significance of the results. The reliability of the scales used for the analysis of the threads involved in training, was established with Cronbach Alpha.
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