Macroscopic evaluation of lesions caused by Fasciola sp in bovine in two slaughterhouses.
injure hepatic, fasciola sp., bovine liver, bovine fasciolosisAbstract
With the objective of determining the rate of prevalence of the bovine Fasciolosis, in two slaughterhouses of the county of Huambo in Angola. 320 livers were inspected and the files of the veterinary services of two years of the slaughterhouses were revised in study. A tendency was observed to increase the seizures of livers gradually of bovine for fasciolosis with values among 19,2-20% for the year 2009 and between 16,8-22,8% for the year 2010. The main lesions caused by the Fasciola sp. were: chronic Colangitis with enlargement of the biliary conduits, inflammatory reactions causing destruction and fibrosis of the parenchyma, calcification, fibrosis of the biliary channels, inflammation of the hepatic conduits, in the organ light presence of parasites.
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