Identification of nematodes in crops of agronomic interest.
plant parasitic nematodes, plant health, agronomic cropsAbstract
In order to improve the services of identification of plant parasitic nematodes that are offered in the Laboratory of the Service of Health plant Diagnosis of the INIA located in the State of Miranda, it made a diagnosis study in 10 of the 12 municipalities of this state. For the isolation the sifted method of movement and of Cobb was used (1918), modified by INIA (2005). The cleaning took place with the method of funnel of Baermann (1917). Were different kinds from nematodes in the State Miranda: Helicotylenchussp, Meloidogynesp, Pratylenchussp, Tylenchussp, Tylenchorhynchusspand Xiphinemasp, where the Tylenchulussemipenetrans could be identified; being the Meloidogynesortsp plant parasitic nematode that was reported more making damages to different crops in six from the 10 municipalities.
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