Reduction of nitrogen fertilization in the cultivation of garlic.
Allium sativum L., growing garlic, nitrogen fertilizationAbstract
Experimental design to garlic plant (Allium sativum L.). Use of Fitomas-E and doses of nitrogen (N) to the 100, 75, 50 and 0% respectively. It was applied nitrogen at 15 days of germination at the rate of 300 kg of N.ha-1 y an application of Fitomas-E at 30 days. Analysis of variance and differences among treatments determined with Multiple Range Test of Duncan to 95%, using statistical package STATGRAPHICS PLUS v.5.0. Better response of variety of Creole garlic in growth and yield under the effect of treatments 1, 2 and 3 corresponding to the doses of 1.0 L.ha-1 of FitoMas-E + N at 100%; N at 75 and 50% respectively. In the economic, with the dose of 1,0 L.ha-1 of Fitomas-E + N at 50%, are obtained 6,42 t.ha-1, and they are generated profits of $116546,32 similar with the fertilization at 100% of the dose.
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