Ratings Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and Fitomas E on growth and development of cassava.
Arbuscular mycorrhizal, Fitomas E, cassava, fungi.Abstract
The behavior of cassava were evaluated with applications arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and Fitomas E, on a floor Pardo sialítico, using a block design randomized with four treatments and four replicates for the study of data made a analysis of variance of simple classification and the means were compared by the comparison test Tukey multiple range. All statistical analyzes were processed by the statistical package STATISTICA v 6.0. It was found that the combination of Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi Fitomas + E is a very favorable environment for the growth and practical components, the best response was obtained economic gains associated with $ 14 307.00 and benefit / cost of $ 3 , 27 in the first season and the second a gain of $ 19 216,12 and the benefit / cost ratio of $ 4.39.
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