Influence of relief, age and density plantations in cocoa yields.
cocoa, Age of the plantation, population's densityAbstract
The experiment was carried out in period among July 2010 to September 2012, in the municipality Brión of the sub-region of Barlovento of the State Miranda. For the execution of the investigation 17 properties were selected among the predominant different reliefs in the region (factor A), age (factor B) and the density of the plantations (factor C), the work behaved under a totally randomized design, with factorial arrangement. The variables were evaluated, brightness (Total light, Light inside the cocoa plants and light retained by the canopy) in the dry season and rain, quantity of seeds for fruits, seed index, quantity of ears and the yield (kg.ha-1): The results showed that the biggest values of brightness were in the plain relief, while the yield and their components demonstrated bigger answers in the mountain relief, in inferior age to 30 years and in the density of 3 x3 m.
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