Strategy of sustainable cocoa production (Theobroma cacao L.).
sustainable management, production of cocoa, Theobroma cacao, L., cocoa.Abstract
The investigation was developed in the Parish "The Handsome one", Municipality Páez, Venezuela; located at 10º 08' 25, 50" of north latitude and to 65º 08' 59, 50" of longitude west, to an altitude of 42 m.s.n.m, in the period 2010 - 2012, with the objective of designing a strategy of handling of the technologies applied to the production of the cocoa (Theobroma cocoa, L.) in function of the autochthonous biodiversity. The principles of the Investigation and integration of participative tools were used and the proposal for the sustainable agrarian development (PROMEDAS). It could be proven that the cocoa agroecosystems of the community is characterized by a progressive decrease of the yields, aging of their producers, reduced number of integral of the family and low instruction level. A high biodiversity of the cocoa agroecosystems, but the technologies that are applied exists they are not the appropriate ones for the sustainable handling of the same ones.
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