Effect of different doses and timing of production RIZOBAC in positions of Coffea Arabica l.
RIZOBAC, germination, coffee, Coffea Arabica l.Abstract
Is investigated with the objective of evaluating the effect of RIZOBAC in the germination of seeds of Coffea Arabica L. and study the effect of different doses and time of application of the product, on the production of seedlings of Coffea Arabica L., for it was necessary to mount the research in two stages. It showed the possibility of their use in the early stages of growth of coffee seedlings. With RIZOBAC imbibed seeds, at concentrations ranging between 40 and 60% active showed a greater percentage of germination. The best indicators evaluated in coffee seedlings were obtained when applied at 60% concentration of the active ingredient. A second application from the second pair of leaves appears to stimulate the growth of the positions, at least with the aforementioned concentration.
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