Using a sig for agro-ecological characterization of an ecosystem livestock.
livestock ecosystem, agroecological characterizationAbstract
Ecosystem was characterized livestock Ullao region, high brittleness, located southwest of the basin Guantanamo - Guaso. Cuban software was used TeleMap, information Basic Soil Map 1:25 000, the temperature data, wind speed, relative humidity and evaporation of the Weather Station La Juanita and rain gauge precipitation data located in Ullao. We designed a database which stored all information collected to associate with the GIS. They prepared the soil map, predominantly brown and alluvial soils as well as the limiting factor maps: effective depth, slope, erosion, salinity (0-60 and 0-100 cm), stoniness gravillosidad. The result of this work was used to make a proposal agroecological management that may lead to the rehabilitation of the area, to achieve a sustainable land use.Downloads
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How to Cite
Cintra, L. M., Sánchez, M. I., F. Saiz, M. J., & Mansfarroll, T. D. (2013). Using a sig for agro-ecological characterization of an ecosystem livestock. Man, Science and Technology, 10(3). Retrieved from
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