Functional prognosis of patients with cerebrovascular disease.


  • Dr. Pedro Luis Céspedes-Fernández Hospital General Docente” Agostinho Neto”, Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • Dra. Annia Díaz-Martínez Hospital General Docente” Agostinho Neto”, Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • Dra. Carina Díaz- Martínez Hospital General Docente” Agostinho Neto”, Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • Dr. Oscar Ruiz-Ropero Hospital General Docente” Agostinho Neto”, Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • Dr. Florencio Bordies-Hernández Hospital General Docente” Agostinho Neto”, Guantánamo, Cuba.


functional prognosis, cerebrovascular disease


A prospective and longitudinal study was made with the objetive to analize the factors involved in the functional prognosis of the patients with cerebrovascular disease. A ramdom selection was performed in 280 patients who had been admited ib the Agostinho Neto Hospital during 2004 year. Results: the average age was 68,3 year. The 52,9 % of the patients had stroke, the latency of admission was 10,7 hours; the functional prognosis was good in 117 patients after 30 days. The severity of the stroke, the development of complications (OR= 19,8, p =0,001) , previous history of hypertension (OR=11,4, p=0,001) and serious neurological defect (OR=9,2 p=0,005).Conclusions: Advanced age of patients, delay of admission, extend of the defect and appearence of complications were associated with poorer prognosis after 30 days.


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How to Cite

Céspedes-Fernández, D. P. L., Díaz-Martínez, D. A., Díaz- Martínez, D. C., Ruiz-Ropero, D. O., & Bordies-Hernández, D. F. (2013). Functional prognosis of patients with cerebrovascular disease. Man, Science and Technology, 10(4). Retrieved from

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