Entropy of the internal state of the system that characterizes the Regional University Campus of Guantanamo.
Univercity headguartes, scientific management.Abstract
Even though there have been achieved important progresses and challenges are faced with recognized perspectives, there are still defficiences and gaps in the Universalization process. We are conscious that the Higher Education in Cuba requires a profound transformation: essentially a change of paradigm, therefore; it constitutes an obligation to reconceptualize the main dimensions of scientific direction intervention and its processes and results. It is necessary to consider three main substantive directions: politics, management and technologic. The Regional University Campus of Guantanamo in theory projects clear strategies, but at the same time it faces and objective questioning: Does it have as a system the organic and functional appropriate inner structure to achieve, in a brief period of time, the results expected by its social object? This research evaluates the present situation of the theme object of study and propouses a solution alternative.
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