Adeguacy of integrated pest management in intensive gardening “The Bayamesa”.


  • Ing. Yaniuska Gonzalez-Perigó Centro de Estudio de Café y Cacao. Centro Universitario, Guantánamo, Cuba.
  • Ing. Yaima Hernández-Pacheco Laboratorio Provincial de Suelos, Granma, Cuba.


plagues, integrated strategy.


This work was fulfiled in the farn No 2 from intensive fruit – garden “La Bayamesa†which belongs to Bayamo Cultivo Varios enterprise, it has the objetive of contribute with the vegetables and condiment’s increase effeciency by means of the integrated administration’s aplication of plage (MIP) in the farm. During the diagnostic they were fulfiled four weekly monitorions, which were evaluated 20 plants at random for each farming, it was determined the harm degree for each crisomélidos (Diabritica balteata) in cucumber (Cucumis sativus) and pepper (Capsicum annuum), also they determine the degree of intensity for each Cercospora in the pepper (Cercospora sp). Data were prosecuted by means of Towsend – Hemberg (1948), and no parametric proof of Statistic program. With the estrategy implementation of integrated management of plagues based on the diagnostic previausly made in the farm, the efficiency of this were increaed from 2 kg/m2 to 4 kg/m2.


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How to Cite

Gonzalez-Perigó, I. Y., & Hernández-Pacheco, I. Y. (2013). Adeguacy of integrated pest management in intensive gardening “The Bayamesa”. Man, Science and Technology, 11(2). Retrieved from


