Influence of Trichoderma harzianum A-34, in the Growth and Development of Solanum lycopersicum l in Protected Cultivation.
tomato, trichoderma harzianum, growth and development of plants.Abstract
This work was carried out in the Unit of Protected Cultivations Field Antenna", belonging to the Horticultural Santiago Company. In the same one it was evaluated how it Trichoderma harzianum influences TO-34 in the growth and productivity in the cultivation of the tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L). It was also evaluated, the economic effect of the treatments. An experimental design was used totally randomized with 5 treatments and 4 replicas in two siembra times: understood 18 February of 2010 to 14 May of 2010 (good period). The particular data were evaluated statistically by means of analysis of variance of simple classification and multiple comparisons of stockings by means of the Test of Duncan. The obtained results demonstrated that the dose of 20Kg./ha of Trichoderma harzianum TO-34 he/she behaved in a satisfactory way being achieved the biggest productive results.
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