Evaluation of Weighed Metals in lettuce and beet tried with compost of Residual Urban Solids.
heavy metals permissible limits, Urban Solid Waste.Abstract
The work was developed in the Soil’s Station of the county Guantánamo, between 2009 – 2010 years, to evaluate the content of Cadmium (Cd) and Lead (Pb) in the obtained compost of the residual urban solids; as well as their influence on the composition of the vegetables (lettuce and beet) that were obtained. The total content of the heavy metals was determined by the Espectrofotometría of Atomic Absorption with flame. The extraction of the heavy metals in the plants was carried out according to the CEADEN’s Norm IA 6746:10-1999, (2010). The results show that the heavy metals evaluated in the compost surpassed the Permissible Maximum Limits to be applied in horticultural productions. The levels of cadmium and lead found in the organs of consumptions of the lettuce and the beet represent a serious danger for the human health, since they surpass the permissible maximum limits.
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