Application servqual model to evaluate agricultural extension system aimed at sustainable development.


  • Ing. Ender A. Iñiguez-Freites Instituto Nacional de Tierras. Maracay. República Bolivariana de Venezuela.
  • Dr. C. Vicente Rodríguez-Oquendo Universidad de Guantánamo, Cuba
  • M Sc.Juana I. Durand-Cos Universidad de Guantánamo, Cuba
  • Dr. C. Alberto Pérez-Díaz Universidad de Guantánamo, Cuba
  • Dr.C. Alberto Fernández-Turro Universidad de Guantánamo, Cuba


articulate system, quality, agricultural extension, SERVQUAL


The study was carried out in the Parishes Panaquire and Ribas of the municipality Acevedo, state Miranda, during the period 2010 - 2012 with the objective of evaluating the agricultural extension process in the units of production the cocoa. To determine the quality of the process of agricultural extension, the Pattern of the deficiencies SERVQUAL was used. This model contemplates the analysis of five dimensions of quality and five deficiencies index them in function of the expectations and discrepancies of the producing cocoa toward the extension process. In the area study object, the absence of an articulate system of agricultural extension was demonstrated among the institutions of the public sector and private. The producers recognize that difference exists between the expectations and perceptions with regard to the received extension service.


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How to Cite

Iñiguez-Freites, I. E. A., Rodríguez-Oquendo, D. C. V., Durand-Cos, M. S. I., Pérez-Díaz, D. C. A., & Fernández-Turro, D. A. (2013). Application servqual model to evaluate agricultural extension system aimed at sustainable development. Man, Science and Technology, 17(3), 21–28. Retrieved from

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