Geographic information system for water needs and drainage improvements sugar cane.
properties hydro, water needs, geographical, information system.Abstract
Geographic information system needs water and drainage improvements in the cultivation of sugar cane planted on Vertisols and Gleyzados Sialitizados. Thematic maps were obtained from soil (Vertisols and Gleyzados sialitizados) drainage categories (good, poor and bad) and optimum water requirements strains and types of soils (Vertisols springs in spring meetup, cold and suckers in Sialitizados Gleyzados and the total demands of water). The Gravity Irrigation method and furrow irrigation technique is most suitable to be employed in these soil conditions, due to poor hydro physical properties they possess. In this way strains the water needs and soil types allow us to plan and organize efficiently irrigation activity in the cultivation of sugar cane.
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