Participatory assessment and planning tool for the development of cocoa farming.
cocoa, diagnose participatory, restrictive factorsAbstract
The investigation was developed in the ruraestablishment of Caño Negro, located in the region of Barlovento, municipality Acevedo, parish Ribas of the State Bolivariano of Miranda-Venezuela. Were carried out a participatory diagnosis to know the characteristics and environmental realities, productive and economic partners as well as the aspects of production of the cultivations that occupy the inhabitants of the establishment. For the design and execution of the diagnosis was uses the Altadir Method for population planning. The application of the participatory diagnosis, allowed to determine the restrictive of the social, productive and economic area, while in the work tables was pondered the critical problems of the community in the order of technical Low advice, producing with technical low formation, advanced age of the producers, low productivity, cultivations without agronomic handling, heavy soil, low knowledge of asexual reproduction, risks to floods, Low fertilization, financing without administrative control and absence of nurseries.
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