Agroclimatic tomato (Solanum lycopersicum) under field conditions, Contramaestre municipality.
climate, soil, tomato, zoning.Abstract
Developing agroclimatic tomato production areas Petty Township, with the objective of capacity cartographic delimitation of the various areas of territory, to obtain tomato production in good yields, utilizing, edafoclimatic cultivation requirements, determining the range of adaptability to temperature climate variables average maximum average minimum temperature and average temperature, relative humidity and precipitation selection areas with better conditions for the establishment of the crop from these elements define categories for zoning tomato, the results suggest that in areas optimal yield potential is 34 t.ha-1 means that the best area is the Contramaestre; adequate with 17,3 t.ha-1 are reflected in Baire, Steps, Roman and part of Contramaestre Seven. The bad: Laguna Blanca and Otilia with 10,5 t.ha-1 and labeled as bad: Blacks, the dove and Laguna Blanca with 7 t.ha-1.
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