Abdominal compartment syndrome
abdominal compartment syndrome, pathophysiology, semiografyAbstract
The idea that intra-abdominal pressure can damage the physiology and organ function causing compartment syndrome has received relatively little attention, so it was decided to conduct a detailed literature review of the topic. Clinical experience in decompression posttrauma, Postoperative studied in 45 patients showed improvement of cardiac function and respiratory impairment but have been reported in some patients episodes of hypotension and asystole immediately after. Increased intra-abdominal pressure is not uncommon in everyday clinical practice, so it must be frequent search, to correct its deleterious effects on the percussion of bodies contained in this cavity. By surgical decompression, when intra-abdominal pressure exceeds 30 mmHg should be performed immediately. Abdominal decompression stops all adverse effects of increased intra-abdominal pressure.
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