Nurseries Gemditps in correcting and preventing orthopedic deformities at early ages.
orthopedic deformities, Development and Technological Innovation.Abstract
A importants results of the Macro project of Development and Technology Innovation, named GEMDITPS (Group of Experts Multidisciplinary for the Development of Preventives Technology Innovation of the Health) for the Pediatric Orthopedic is the subproject that pretend performed a power instrument that served as therapeutic and preventive medial for the orthopedic deformities. Theses instrument or medial is conjugate with recreative activities and didactic players musicals/aerobics for construct actions prevent and therapeutic of health in the boys; helps for the pedagogic auxiliary the Infantile Circle. The objective point is the prevention and correct orthopedic deformities in the early age, as will as to harmonically development the physical capaciousness in the didactics players in the Infantile Circle.
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