Novel technologies ortoprótesis for early treatment of developmental dysplasia of the hip in the neonate.
pediatric orthopedics, ortoprótesis, hip dysplasia.Abstract
As results of the Macro project of Development and Technology Innovation, named GEMDITPS (Group of Experts Multidisciplinary for the Development of Preventives Technology Innovation of the Health) for the Pediatric Orthopedic. We obtained the first relevant result, consistent in the model and the validation of three importants Orthoprotesis technologies by the treatment precocious of the Dysphasia of the hip. These are modelled by early treatment of the orthopedic deficiency, and for the treatment at the moment the babies born, and the prevention of their dangerous sequels. These results have as base in the preliminary studies made by the expert team. In Guantánamo city, are limited to treatment of the deficiency when it’s completely installed or has made evolution to another ways more dangerous, of old technologies.
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