Management of soil usage for food crops cultivation.
Food crops, Geography Information System.Abstract
The study is carried out in 2490.6 ha for food crops cultivation in UEB "Dos Ríos", Santiago de Cuba. Physical soil aptitude was determined using the automated system AGRO24 for 11 food crops. Under rainfed conditions 16% of soils were extremely suitable for guava and grass cultivations. While, under irrigation all soils were extremely suitable for all cultivated crops evaluated in this study. A project for food crops management taking into account physical soil aptitude and supported by a geographic information system, is proposed to assist decisions-makers.The economic analysis showed that current soil usage is feasible only for pumpkin, guava and grass cultivations. The management proposed in this study involved the 11 food crops evaluated. The relationship among incomes and outcomes is feasible for soils with category A1 and A2.
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