Effect of crop rotation and organic waste recycling on beans.
Phaseolus vulgaris Zea mays, organic alternatives, crop rotation.Abstract
The research was conducted to evaluate the rotation bean-corn and beans-bean and application of organic alternatives (cachaça, manure and vermicompost) on some indicators of growth and productivity of beans in a Brown soil Sialítico, calcium carbonate. Worked on production conditions, in two seasons, from September/2008 to February/2009 (optimum period) and marzo-agosto/2009 (not optimal period) with a planting distance of 0.60 mx 0.10 m. We used the bean variety Delight in rotation with maize (Zea mays L.) variety Tuzón under an experimental design randomized block with four treatments and four replicates. The research results reported, that rotation beans + beans + vermicompost was where the best results were obtained for the evaluated indicators of growth, nodulation and productivity. The corn crop yield was favored in the period not optimal, the residual effect of the combination of beans + beans + vermicompost.
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