Production of postures of Manguifera indica L., with different sources and dose of organic matters.
sustainable, Manguifera Indica L, organic matter.Abstract
With the objective of evaluating effects of different sources and dose of organic matters (MO), in sustainable handlings of mango postures (Manguifera indica L.), on a soil calcic sialitizado, a totally randomized design was used, for the prosecution of the data it was used an analysis of simple variance and the test Duncan (95%). The evaluated variables were height and diameter of the shaft, longitude of the root, numbers of leaves and area to foliate. As pattern employee the variety shred, being implanted with the variety Reyna Mexico. The relationship 3;1 and 5;soil/humus, they threw a positive effect in the growth of the plántulas. Inside this mark high economic efficiencies were achieved.
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