Biofertilizantes use for the production of grains in flat areas of the municipality El Salvador.
biofertilizantes, production of grains, environmentAbstract
The investigation was developed during the period of October 2004 to May 2005 in the experimental farmers Agroecológica Faculty Agroforestal, in carbonated fluffed Brown soil, with the objective of evaluating the production of grains like alternative to increase the consumption of proteins of vegetable origin. The species of grains (Phaseolus lunatus) var was used. Sieva and Heliantus annus var. Caburet-13. The biofertilizantes Ecomic was used with the help of the gender (Glomus fasciculatum) of guaranteed minimum quality, 20 esporas.g of inoculante and a stump of Rhizobium phaseoli of quality (109 UFC/g of soil) taken in the Provincial Laboratory of saline soil of Guantánamo. The experimental parcels were formed by four replicas in a design atrandom of blocks. The obtained results evidenced that whith application the biofertilizantes increasing the yields for area and a better protection of the environment.
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