Vulnerability in facilities of public health in Guantanamo, for the presence of biological risk.
biological risk, biological securityAbstract
The main problems related to the biological security that appear in the health institutions of the province were identified, as well as the evaluation of the causes that can provoke the onset of the accidents and incidents in places with biological risk. The principal problems identified are due to  bad design of the hospitalary installations, deficiency in the classification, treatment, and the final disposition of the dangerous wastes, insecure transportation of the dangerous samples, laboratory mal-practice and insufficient qualification of the de executives and workers in general. Among the causes that lead to the appearance of biological risk we can mention the no observance of the regulations in the processes because the procedures for the handling of the equipment are not documented (sterilizers, oven, etc), as well as the procedures for the treatment of solid and liquids residuals and the desinfection of working areas and use materials.
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