Strategy of integration of scientific activity with the process of production of goods and services.
integrated strategy, environment.Abstract
Threghout this article it is made reference to the integrated strategy of science and techonological invention and envirronment, which permits to improve and strensthening the role of all social actors no matter the changing´s conditions of the envronment taking advantage of the available resourco in order to wide yo the efectt of those resources in a racional use and the increase of a betterment falls in the methodology and the elaborated structure, which promote actions to be fulfiled by the social actori in the community . The integral concept is deduced by its interrdisciplinary character.It is supported methodologically and theoricalle upon a model of integration of the scientific activity. From the practical point of viem it is apported and strategical tool based on system of objective and actios in ashort, middle or large perod of time which it will contribute to the solution in a certainand measurable way of the problem.
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