Monograph about the gasometry and its technical application.
haemogasometry, GAP Anion, laboratory exam.Abstract
The haemogasometry is the most laboratory exam indicated in grave patients. The unbalance that suffer these patient interact with the watery and electrolytic balance, as a consequence of injuries of vital organs, and at the same time can become in cause of affectations of health in the given individuals. The monitoring of sanguine gases in these patients has the purpose of diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. It was elaborated a monographic material with the information made out of aspects itself to have in bill in the process of analysis of sanguine gases from a good sample, preparation of the material, transportation and sampling. Demonstrating than the pre analytical phase is the more important and it constitutes the principal source of errors in Ph's analysis, gases and sanguine electrolytes, because the combination of committed errors only in this phase can be causes of clinically significant errors.
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