Intervention capacitante relating to infections of sexual transmisión in teens.


  • Cecilia Lora-Casero Policlínico Universitario “Omar Ranedo Pubillones”, Guantánamo, Cuba


sexually transmitted infections.


Study was is, during the period january - july 2011, on Sexually Transmitted Infections, with a universe of 115 and a sample of 45 patients, between 11 and 19 years of the female sex. Surveys were administered before and after the intervention, processed by the method simple arithmetic. Results showed a predominance of the group of 14 to 16 years, unmarried, for a 68.8 %, and the middle school level and coexistence with grandparents a 48.8 %. Before the intervention the 11.1 % knew only the types, the process of acquiring and transmitting STIS, a 13.3 % the symptoms, and a 17.7 % avoidance. The 20.8 % only by friends and neighbors knew about these. It was concluded that after the intervention the 97.7 % of the adolescents changed their knowledge on aspects of STIS.


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How to Cite

Lora-Casero, C. (2012). Intervention capacitante relating to infections of sexual transmisión in teens. Man, Science and Technology. Retrieved from