Contribution to the knowledge of the clinical bases of the Gangrene of Fournier


  • Dr. Juan Valiente-Pérez Hospital General Docente “Agustinho Neto”, Guantánamo, Cuba
  • Dr. Arturo Pérez-Chambers Hospital General Docente “Agustinho Neto”, Guantánamo, Cuba
  • Dr. Higinio Viel-Reyes Hospital General Docente “Agustinho Neto”, Guantánamo, Cuba
  • Lic. Idalmis Montes de Oca-Jurjo. Hospital General Docente “Agustinho Neto”, Guantánamo, Cuba


It gangrene, clinic, anatomy


Of bibliographical revision related with the clinical aspects of the Gangrene of Fournier of which some authors include, like causes, the infections of the glands secondary periuretrales to estenosis uretrales with urine infiltration, besides other entities that favor it and that, in occasions, they can that they are latent and that they are discovered in the course of a gangrene being in turn the cause of the graveness of the affection. For the importance of the topic and for their little diffusion in the medical scientific community the clinical square of the affection is described.


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How to Cite

Valiente-Pérez, D. J., Pérez-Chambers, D. A., Viel-Reyes, D. H., & Montes de Oca-Jurjo., L. I. (2012). Contribution to the knowledge of the clinical bases of the Gangrene of Fournier. Man, Science and Technology. Retrieved from

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