Revision work and bring up to date on the uretra cancer.


  • Dr. Leonardo Savón-Moirán Hospital General Docente "Agostinho Neto", Guantánamo, Cuba


Cancer, uretra, scaly Carcinoma, Metastasis, Treatment


The primary cancer of uretra is a strange entity that represents near 0.02% of all the neoplasias found in the woman. Most of these is of scaly cellular stock. The diagnosis is difficult, due to the stadium advanced in the one that is usually presented. The presage of this illness is poor, and it depends on the clinical stadium from the neoplasia to the moment of its diagnosis. The stadium of the illness is the factor more important presage of about life. The treatment depends on the sex, of the estadificación, of the type histologist, of the extension and of the localization of the lesion. El treatment it is the radical extirpation of the tumor, depending on its extension and it is supplemented with Radiotherapy and-or Chemotherapy.


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How to Cite

Savón-Moirán, D. L. (2012). Revision work and bring up to date on the uretra cancer. Man, Science and Technology. Retrieved from

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