Priapismo, presentación of a case.


  • Dr. Bladimir Vidal-Vigó Hospital General Docente Dr. “Agosthino Neto”, Guantánamo, Cuba
  • Dr. Leonardo Savón-Moiran Hospital General Docente Dr. “Agosthino Neto”, Guantánamo, Cuba


priapism, low flow refractory


Priapism is defined as the pathologic entity characterized by prolonged penile rection that is not related to sexual stimulation. It is classified as ischemic priapism (veinocclusive, low flow), which is the most frequent, as arterial priapism (non-ischemic, high flow), and as recurrent priapism. Once ischemic priapism is diagnosed, treatment should be started to re-establish cavernous arterial blood flow. There are several therapeutic modalities, including surgical procedures that are indicated in cases in which penile detumescence has not been achieved despite medical treatment. The case of a patient with refractory low flow priapism that merited treatment with corporo-saphenous vein shunt is presented here. 


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How to Cite

Vidal-Vigó, D. . B., & Savón-Moiran, D. L. (2012). Priapismo, presentación of a case. Man, Science and Technology. Retrieved from