Maxillary osificante fibroma. A propos of a case
Maxillary osificante fibroma/diagnosis, maxillary osificante fibroma/therapeutics, oral neoplasmsAbstract
The maxillary odontogenic fibroma, osteofibroma, or fibrosteoma is a relatively frequent tumor in the maxillary bones and the jaw. Taking into account the casuistics, it was considered interesting to report a new case. The topic is revised. A case is reported of female patient of a 48 year-old with marked asymmetry in half facial third that was diagnosed from the clinical, imaging and histological point of view at “Agustino Netoâ€Â General Teaching Hospital, in Guantánamo, and was operated on in 2008. Diagnostic and therapeutic considerations reported in literature are given. The patient at the moment of the interview was rehabilitated and under control.
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