Behavior of pain dentinario in the bigger population of 12 years


  • Dra. Nerys Baza-Farjat Policlínico Universitario “Asdrubal López Vazquez”, Guantánamo, Cuba
  • Dra. Marcia Colás-Costa Policlínico Universitario “Asdrubal López Vazquez”, Guantánamo, Cuba


pain dentinario


The Dentinario in the bigger population of 12 elderly years accomplished a descriptive longitudinal study itself, for the sake of identifying the behavior of pain, assisted at the back-street doctor's office Inside Peribeca, Municipio Independencia, Táchira, in the period of September of year 2008 to september 2009. The risk factors of pain related more dentinario themselves frequent in the population studied and they defined dental further groups affected. The proven to be plus Orients were: The 58, 7 % of the patient examinees reciprocated their love to the female sex; Prevailing the group of 19 - 34 years, with a 32, 2 %, more frequent risk factor turned out to be the dental present rust in a 61,1 %, the group of the molars was further frequently affected with 43,4 % pieces;  This permitted emitting conclusions and recommendations.


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How to Cite

Baza-Farjat, D. N., & Colás-Costa, D. . M. (2012). Behavior of pain dentinario in the bigger population of 12 years. Man, Science and Technology. Retrieved from