The effectiveness of the Oleozón in the treatment of Stomatitis Aftosa Recurrente
Aphthous Recurrent Stomatitis, relapse buccal ulcerations, thrushes, oral aftosis, Suttons ulcers, OleozonAbstract
The Aphthous Recurrent Stomatitis are relapse buccal ulcerations, calls usually thrushes, they constitute an aspect of importance at the practical clinic and they are manifestations of systemic illnesses of immunogenic origin, nutritional, lack, idiopatic or specific of the buccal cavity. The effectiveness of application of the Oleozon was investigated of manner such that it permit contributing of a fast and easy way to the relief of intense symptoms and to the patients's cure that assist at the service of stomatologic emergencies. The behavior of aftermath of applied treatment in the patients evidences than 57 of them, for a 91.93 %, they answered for positive manner achieving the remission of clinical signs of illness. The Oleozon's goodnesses evidence the shortening of evolution of illness so that we defend the opinion of use of this natural medication, national production.
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