Environmental education: need for improvement program for graduates of the state cadres in the Party School of Guantanamo.


  • Sarais Torres - Rodríguez Unidad de Ciencia y Tecnología, Guantánamo, Cuba


Overcoming  Environmental  Education  in the  pictures  is  increasingly  important  in Cuba  from  the  changing  and  complex conditions  imposed  by  the  process  of updating  the  economic  model.These changes  have  relieved  us  as  deficiencies, lack  of  knowledge,  training  and identification  of  environmental  issues  in municipal,  provincial,  national  and  global mode  of  action  in  making  decisions inappropriate to  local  environmental  and other  situations  that keep this issue as apriority.  It  is  proposed  to  result  in  the development  of  an  improvement  program of  Environmental  Education  for  the  course of  political  and  ideological  preparation and become  a  fundamental  tool  for  the inclusion  of  environmental  issues  in  the achievement  of  the  agency  that  should have all the box when taking decisions and actions  on  natural  processes, socioeconomic  and  cultural  as  well  as  the impact of development and quality of life of the population.


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How to Cite

Torres - Rodríguez, S. (2012). Environmental education: need for improvement program for graduates of the state cadres in the Party School of Guantanamo. Man, Science and Technology, 16(3), 111–119. Retrieved from http://hct.cigetgtmo.co.cu/revistahct/index.php/htc/article/view/332