Mycorrhizas Handycraft production under edafoclimatic conditions of Guantanamo.
The investigation was undertakan by the Soil research center of Guantánamo during June/ 2010 to June 2011 with the main objective of elaborating a methodology for Mycorrhizas Handycraft production under the conditions of the Province of Guantánamo. Members of a production unit were qualified following the principle of learn by doing in the importance and use of this biofertilizants. Thee certified stumps of arbuscular mycorrizogen mushrooms (HMA) we evaluated in thee sustratos (brown with carbonates, brown without carbonates and ferralíticos) in an area of 5 m2, with the conditions controlled and adequated for the treatment of the extracted clays and using the peletizado Sorghum bicolor. The best outcome of the thee stumps was with the brown without carbonate soil. It was G. mosseae and G. hoi-like the ones that reached the concentration of esporas/g of sustrato adequated tobe considered as inocule commercials, which accomplished the quality parameters.Downloads
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Rodríguez - Mestre, D., Plutin - Simón, I., & Fernández - Betancourt, I. (2012). Mycorrhizas Handycraft production under edafoclimatic conditions of Guantanamo. Man, Science and Technology, 16(3), 93–101. Retrieved from
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