Determination of the combustible material in forests of Pinus cubensis Griseb.


  • Edelmis Moreno - Hechavarria Cuerpo de Guarbosques, Guantánamo, Cuba
  • Edelmy Pérez - Pereda Universidad de Guantánamo, Cuba Facultad Agroforestal de Montaña.
  • Francisco Durand - Manual Universidad de Guantánamo, Cuba Facultad Agroforestal de Montaña.
  • Virgen María Lamothe - Baró Universidad de Guantánamo, Cuba Facultad Agroforestal de Montaña.
  • Yuris Rodríguez - Matos Universidad de Guantánamo, Cuba Facultad Agroforestal de Montaña.


The work was developed in Mount Christ, belonging to the Municipality Manuel Tames County Guantánamo, in the  Unit  Silvícola  Gtmo,  EFI Guantánamo, of February to May of the year 2009, with the objective of determining the combustible material in forests of  Pinus cubensis Griseb. They were carried out three parcels of 20 x 50m and inside them 5 of 1 m² to determine the quantity of combustible material (depth of the humus, green, miscellaneous material, dry woody material, I weigh humid, humidity of the combustible material and dry weight of the  combustible  material).  Bigger quantity of fuel was obtained in trash, needle,  other  materials  in decomposition:  gramineous  and dicotyledoneous herbaceous and that the same one is in the range from 40 000 to 80 000 g.m².


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How to Cite

Moreno - Hechavarria, E., Pérez - Pereda, E., Durand - Manual, F., Lamothe - Baró, V. M., & Rodríguez - Matos, Y. (2012). Determination of the combustible material in forests of Pinus cubensis Griseb. Man, Science and Technology, 16(3), 58–64. Retrieved from