Antimicrobic susceptibility in strains of Vibrio cholerae no-O1 isolated in Cuba.


  • Yanet Bueno - Fuentes Centro de Desarrollo de la Montaña (CDM), El Salvador, Guantánamo. Cuba
  • Laura Bravo - Fariñas Instituto de Medicina Tropical Pedro Kourí, La Habana. Cuba
  • Anabel Fernández - Abreu Instituto de Medicina Tropical Pedro Kourí, La Habana. Cuba
  • Fidel Ángel - Núñez Instituto de Medicina Tropical Pedro Kourí, La Habana. Cuba


The intestinal infections caused by Vibrio cholerae no-O1 they have an increment in the world. It was carried out a study in the National Laboratory of Reference of Acute Diarrheic Illnesses of the Institute of Tropical Medicine "Pedro Kourí" (IPK), with the  objective  of  characterizing microbiologically 63 strains of  Vibrio cholerae  no-O1, isolated of grounds of patient with acute diarrheal illness. It was carried out the confirmation of the gender by means of biochemical tests, as well as the determination of the susceptibility antimicrobic in front of 10 antimicrobic for the method of the E-test. The 65, 1% and 23, 8% of the strains showed resistance to the ampicilline and the trimethoprim -sulfamethoxazole respectively. Superior sensibility levels to 93% were appreciated for the cloranphenicole, the tetracycline, the Doxiciclina, the iprofloxacina, the Cefotaxima, the Ofloxacina and the Amikacina. It was not observed multi-resistant strains. The study of thesusceptibility antimicrobic is important for the implementing of a continuous and systematic surveillance of  Vibrio cholerae no-O1 in Cuba.


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How to Cite

Bueno - Fuentes, Y., Bravo - Fariñas, L., Fernández - Abreu, A., & Ángel - Núñez, F. (2012). Antimicrobic susceptibility in strains of Vibrio cholerae no-O1 isolated in Cuba. Man, Science and Technology, 16(3), 1–7. Retrieved from