Organization and development of the forest economy for the decade 2025-2034 of the forestry UEB “Cayo Güin” belonging to the Baracoa agroforestry company


  • Reinier Lores – Terrero Empresa Agroforestal Baracoa. Municipio Baracoa. Guantánamo, Cuba
  • Yordan Lores – Pérez Universidad de Guantánamo, Guantánamo . Cuba
  • Adrián Montoya - Ramos
  • Benito Monroy - Reyes Universidad de Guadalajara, Camino Ing. Ramón Padilla Sánchez, 2100, Predio Las Agujas, Zapopan, Jalisco, México.
  • Jesús Arreola- Enríquez Colegio de postgraduados, Campeche. México.


Pinus cubensis; Management; Economy forestry


In order to prepare the Project Organization and Development of the Forest Economy for the (UEB Silvícola, Cayo Güin),data was collected through fixed area sampling, by means of a random establishment, in which 25 circular plots of 500 m2 were raised, in which the diameter at 1.30 m from the ground and the height of the trees were determined by optical approximation of all individuals , with height equal to or greater than 5.0 m in height, in addition, the species that made up the arboreal and herbaceous stratum were determined. It was obtained that the UEB was organized with 28 lots with 236 hectares on average and 471 stands with 45 hectares for management during the period 2023 - 2033. Where the most commercial species is Pinus cubensis with acceptable wood volumes to guarantee demand in the decade with 130 m3 / year. 


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How to Cite

Lores – Terrero, R. ., Lores – Pérez, Y. ., Montoya - Ramos, A. ., Monroy - Reyes, B. ., & Arreola- Enríquez, J. . (2025). Organization and development of the forest economy for the decade 2025-2034 of the forestry UEB “Cayo Güin” belonging to the Baracoa agroforestry company. Man, Science and Technology, 28(4), 44–54. Retrieved from




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